Junior Rangers Homeschool

Junior Rangers has homeschool programs to suit your family, with sessions available mornings or full day, drop off or with family close by.

Rangers age groups include, (3-5years), (4-12years), (13-16years) and (17+years) prep to grade 12 and transitioning after Highschool with our Sea Rangers (17+years) programs.

Our lead educators are Teachers, Marine Biologists, Ecologists and Environmental Scientists with experience and qualifications in teaching from prep to high school.

If you are interested in joining the full day homeschool programs, please go to the bookings page

Full day Thursdays Ballina

Full day Thursdays Brunswick River

Full day Thursdays Melbourne

For our Joeys, Junior Wildlife Rangers and Tween Junior Eagle Rangers and Teens art sessions please see our bookings page and if you would like more info about any of our rangers workshops and programs, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you and bring your family an enriching homeschool adventure.

Stay adventurous and Wild!